For ONE NIGHT ONLY on February 12th at 7 PM
Tickets are only being sold through Regal's system for this event
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This show is on Screen 7 at Regal Mira Mesa (10733 Westview Parkway) on Regal's amazing new luxury recliners. We filmed a video to give you guys a behind-the-scenes tour of the newly renovated auditoriums - check that out here.
Featuring Vinegar Syndrome's brand new 4K restoration of CANNIBAL!, sourced off the only existing 35mm print of the film.
Get a copy of Vinegar Syndrome's Degausser Video BD release of CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL right here.
For the next edition of our Reef Restoration Night Series at Popcorn Reef, we're taking you to the cold mountains of Colorado to celebrate one of the most underrated debut films of the 90s. Years before SOUTH PARK would define a generation of comedy, Trey Parker and Matt Stone were students at the University of Colorado Boulder. They got a shoestring budget together and went out in the woods to make a no-budget film called CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL, based on the true story of Alferd Packer (played by Parker under the pseudonym "Juan Schwartz"), the only man to ever be convicted in the US of cannibalism. It's a riotous dark comedy that proves to be an even more fascinating watch over 30 years later. It's really mind-blowing to see all the roots of Parker and Stone's humor, which is certainly on display here. But perhaps more importantly than that, this film highlights how incredibly talented these dudes are.
From our lens, what hasn't been talked about enough with CANNIBAL! is how remarkable of a no-budget film it is. The hardest thing to do when making a microbudget film is to get it to feel like a "real movie." And although the film was edited and finished on tape (we'll get to that in a moment), the instincts that Parker and Stone had in their head, even in their early 20s, were exact. From the wonderfully-produced music numbers, to the catchy quotable dialogue, and even the cool illustrated title card sequences, all of the little things that make a movie "a movie" are present in CANNIBAL! By nailing all of the details, the "no budget" element of things can become irrelevant to the audience, and that, in our opinion, is the ultimate trick that someone creating movie magic can pull off.
CANNIBAL! needs to be talked about more in the same conversations as Robert Rodriguez's EL MARIACHI and Kevin Smith's CLERKS as one of the true DIY triumphs of the 90s, and we can't be more thrilled to bring it back to the big screen for you on February 12th.
On Our Reef Restoration Night Series:
Popcorn Reef's REEF RESTORATION NIGHT series celebrates the true contemporary heroes of retro cinema - the independent home video labels that work tirelessly to preserve, restore, and rescue deep cuts of cinema and subsequently issue amazing new digital restorations of these films on Blu-ray and UHD.
At REEF RESTORATION NIGHT, we're rolling out the red carpet to give these flicks the second premiere they deserve on the big screen, and to highlight the lord's work that independent home video labels are putting in to preserve the spirit of cinema for generations to come.
On CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL's Restoration by Vinegar Syndrome:
CANNIBAL! was filmed by Trey Parker and the gang on 16mm film. Unfortunately, since everyone was watching VHS at the time and it seemed like the right thing to do for the production, those film elements were then brought onto tape, and the film was edited and finished on video (stored on a Betacam master.) But that's not what we're going to show you on the 12th! Vinegar Syndrome, who are world class preservationists, have found the only existing 35mm print (which was originally created from that tape master), and we will proudly be showing their brand new 4K restoration of that print - presenting CANNIBAL! on the big screen in one of the most cinematic ways it's ever been seen. From Vinegar Syndrome on the new restoration:
"When TROMA acquired CANNIBAL! THE MUSICAL, they decided to create a single 35mm print for use in theatrical exhibition, despite the film having been shot in 16mm and finished on video. This is also how the film was screened at the cast and crew premiere. To simulate this unique CANNIBAL viewing experience, we scanned the print in 4K resolution, did a light restoration pass to reduce dirt and damage, and presented it here in HD for the first time. This version is the preferred viewing option at VS as the added 35mm film grain helps mask the unavoidable video noise and lends it a more filmic look."
Again - tickets are only being sold through Regal's system for this event
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Please Note:
-Show will start at 7:00 PM sharp
-If you have any questions at all, please contact eddie@popcornreef.com